My name is Matt McGee, and I am from Lake Forest Park, Washington; a suburb located at the north-end of Lake Washington. I am currently enrolled at Washington State University, where I am majoring in communication with a focus in public relations, and minoring in Sport Management.
My primary role on the team is the writing and research portion, which includes writing and editing Facebook, Instagram, and blog posts that promote our company.
This semester, I am most excited about learning how to work with these different social media platforms in order to generate viewership and promote our company from an image-based standpoint. This project will ultimately prepare me for my future in public relations as social media has become a growing platform for marketing of all different types of businesses.
My future career aspirations would be to work for a sports franchise, agency or league, as a public relations manager or serve on a public relations team. I have always loved sports since I was a child and would love to make it part of my career as well. My dream job would be to work for the Seattle Seahawks, either in public relations, or even in sport management.
My best qualities are my outgoing personality, ability to work and get along with all different types of people, my competitive nature, and my writing abilities. Since I was a young, I have always had a very outgoing personality, which has made it easy to make connections with people I meet, this helps especially when working in a group setting. The advantages of working with me are that I have a drive to finish tasks thoroughly and meet deadlines on time, I am easy to communicate with and do not have a hard time communicating with others, and I do not have trouble asking for help when I need it. So far I have written multiple portions for our Integrated Digital Marketing Plan (IDMP), and have written multiple posts on our social media platforms.
A special skill that I bring to the table would be my writing ability, as I am a quick thinker, and typist, when it comes to writing just about anything. Finally, some attributes that separate me from other communication majors are that I have experience in management. I am currently the president of my Fraternity, which has given me experience in managing not only specific chair positions such as philanthropy, or community service; but also executive positions, like our treasurer and new member educator. Through my experiences, I have been able to learn the value of perspective and use it to really understand how each individual position should be run, and if it is not run correctly, what exactly needs to change in order for that position to be successful.
John Wooden, a legendary college basketball coach for University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) once said:
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
Our People
Matt Mcgee
Julian Goldman
My name is Julian Goldman and I am originally from Walnut Creek, California located in the Bay Area, about an hour inland from San Francisco. I decided to come to WSU because of my father; he did his graduate work in genetics here and was adamant that I applied, and after a visit, I fell in love. Here at WSU I am pursuing a double major in Strategic Communications with an emphasis on Advertising, and Political Science with a Pre-Law focus. My goal is to get into a good law school and continue on to either practice corporate law or go into real estate advising. I was inspired to do so by my late great uncle, who was the most generous man I had ever known, I want to be able to get to that point some day.
For our passion project I took on the responsibility of the visuals, but I feel like we have pretty much equally distributed the workload amongst our group. If I had to pick one thing that I am most excited to learn this semester it would be the analytics for Facebook and Instagram; I use both of these platforms on a daily basis, maybe a bit too much if I’m being honest. Before this class I had never even heard of Facebook or Instagram analytics whatsoever; so I am first excited to know what they are, but then equally inclined to learn how to do them for I am assuming it will give me some real world tools that could help me in my career later down the road.
I feel like there are a couple defining characteristics for me on each side of the spectrum, good and bad. I feel like one of my main strong suits is creative and critical thinking, I usually don’t take too long to come up with an idea to start a project, paper, etc.. I also feel like I am pretty easy to work with, I consciously try to be kind and friendly with not only the people I work with but just people in general, unless they have proven to me that they do not deserve my respect. On second thought, I feel like my best defining trait would have to be work ethic. I grew up playing sports but was never really the most athletic kid at all. Yes I was big, but it took hours and hours of hard work to be able to compete at the level I was. This is one of the main reasons I feel like I will succeed as a lawyer, I know I have it in me to log the long hours that is needed for that profession. However, I certainly have some bad traits as well, that may make me a little bit difficult to work with at times. First, for the context of this class this semester, I would have to say that I am just slammed with work; I am certainly taking some of the harder courses that I will need to take while here this semester, and I am forced to take 18 credits from here on out so I can graduate in 4 and a half years. My second downfall would be that I am forgetful, even though I write most things down, which has helped me as of late, I still have issues with this. Since I was a kid I have always been immersed in Shakespeare, I’ve seen most of the plays he wrote, reason being is my dad works part time as a Shakespearean actor. Therefore, I would have to say that my favorite quote would be Know your weaknesses
“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” – As You Like It, one of my favorite of his comedies.
Christina Snow
Hi! My name is Christina Snow, and I am from Renton, Washington which is a suburb of Seattle. Growing up in the Pacific NorthWest has allowed me to develop a love of the outdoors and living a healthy lifestyle. Hiking, and being out on the water are two of my favorite past times when it’s sunny out. In the winter I love to go sledding, snowboarding, and snowmobiling. Also all the different foods from the different walks of life that live here has sparked a love for food in me. Sometimes I feel like I can travel to a new country just by going into Seattle and trying a new cuisine. I am currently attending Washington State University in the beautiful town of Pullman, Washington. I am in my junior year, majoring in Communication with a focus in Advertising and Public Relations in the Edward R. Murrow College of communication. My primary role for the team is leader and main organizer. I am in charge of making sure everyone has dotted all their “I’s” and crossed all of their “t’s.” I make sure we meet our deadlines and that our work load is properly and equally delegated. I am very excited to run our website and learn about analytics with respect to how to collect them and analyze what we find . I love to collect and analyze data, and see how what I am doing is making an impact in my community. For a career I hope to manage accounts, and run research to analyze effectiveness of a particular Ad of PR campaign. I would love to work for a big company like Disney, Amazon, or Boeing. I feel that working for a large established company would give me great experience and would be a great way to challenge myself. Another place I would love to work would be a professional sports team like the Seattle Seahawks. Working in their communication department promoting all that they do would be an amazing job for me. But more short term I am hoping to get an internship this summer so I can gain more hands on, real world experience. I want to stay in the Seattle area because I love the PNW and all its beauty. I am a very hard worker. I have a lot of leadership experience not only from being team captain on various sports teams in high school. But I also have managerial experience at the McDonalds I have worked at for four years. Having a job in high school taught me how to have a work ethic, as well as how to manage my time. I balanced going to school, playing sports, and working on the weekends. This taught me the importance of staying on task and managing my time. I am a very focused individual, and I love to learned new things and challenge myself. I have learned from my family the importance of having plans and being organized. As my dad always tells me,
“Failure to plan, is planning for failure.” –Mike Snow
Maddy Wilcox
Hello, my name is Maddy Wilcox. I am from the west side of the state (yes, where it rains all the time).
I am majoring in Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations. I am also taking prerequisites for getting my masters in teaching following graduation. I am interested in a little bit of everything so I have also taken business classes and psychology classes. However my favorite classes have been PR classes that are hands on such as Com 310 and Com 383.
My primary role is creating, designing, and keeping our website/blog up to date. I also helped come up with our business name and products that we will offer. I am most excited this semester to continue to learn and grow on my website design skills. I really like making websites and blogs, so I am excited to see how our website and blog turns out like in the end. I am very interested in health and so I am personally passionate about our health cafe business in a strong way.
Although I like a little bit of everything I can see myself being a teacher after I finish my masters in teaching in June of 2019. I also see myself doing PR, social media, or blogging as a freelancer during my time off in the summer. I have always envisioned myself being a teacher and think I will enjoy it very much but I also love the work I have done with social media, website design, and blogging so I would like to do that too. However my dream job would be to be a full time blogger talking about food, travel, and fashion or own my own company! I am still young so who knows where my life takes me, in 5 years I could be teaching or be a blogger. Time will tell!
My best qualities would be my outgoing, determined, and passionate personality. Everything I do I try to stay positive and have fun while doing so. I like to keep our group positive and having fun throughout our work sessions. I also have a lot of experience in website design, blogging, social media, and content creating. This is very valuable for our business and group because I can bring those skills to this class. I work very well with a group and love contributing to group efforts. I also have a great eye for creative efforts. I love working with images and videos to create beautiful content for blogging and websites. I am always willing to learn new things and enjoy soaking in knowledge.
I am a firm believer that everyone has the ability to create the future that they want. Believing in yourself and dreaming big is widely valuable. This quote has always spoke out to me in a very powerful way. And so my favorite quote from William Earnest Henry-
“I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”